Tuesday, February 14, 2012

why my nickname is LU :) how to deal with YT drama AND HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!

okay so as you around here I've been known as "Lu" :) but its not my real name nope my real name has nothing to do with my nickname XD okay so in the 1930's(i think idk it was around that time period) there was this cartoon called "Little LuLu" and she has black hair, bangs, curls, and a red dress and she was about 6 or 7 years old :) she was a naughty but sweet little girl and when i was 3 or 2 i was exactly like Little LuLu so my mom would call me LuLu which later on became just "Lu" by my cousins and uncles and family friends :3 so yeah cute story huh? XD

so theres how to deal with drama on flickr:

  1.  if somebody insults you just tell them you buzz off and blocks them plain and simple and if its a person super  famous person just ignore that if the person was mean to you SHE/HE WAS MEAN TO YOU :) 
  2.  if both your BOF (best online friend) are mad at each other and either one won't stop saying mean things about the other just tell them both to respect the fact they are your friends and its a done deal :) 
  3. don't hate on somebody because they're more popular then you :) 

so happy Valentines day folks!! i for one don't believe in girls my age dating to be honest i want to date AFTER college :) why waste my final years as a child with teenage drama? right? okay so uh yeah



some of my young girls is SCC form :3

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